Sustainability Tips for College Students

Many students do not prioritize thinking about the environment. However, it is important to recognize that human activities have an impact on local ecosystems, including college and university campuses.

Actually, it is highly probable that university campuses generate a significantly larger amount of waste compared to other forms of residences, primarily due to the large number of people they accommodate. In certain regions, the population can increase by tens of thousands as the university semester commences.
Any one of you can ask “How to be more eco friendly as a student”? Below are eight campus sustainability ideas:

Stop using disposable items

Disposable items like plastic utensils, cups, water bottles, and other single-use products are a major contributor to waste. While paper disposables can decompose naturally, most plastic disposables cannot. This means that they can remain in landfills for hundreds of years without breaking down.

Choosing to use permanent, reusable plates, cutlery, and cups may seem like an easy way to avoid the hassle of washing dishes. However, not only will this decision contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle, but it will also result in long-term cost savings.

Instead of purchasing water each time you leave home, consider getting a high-quality water bottle that you can use repeatedly. Certain educational institutions have taken the extra step of prohibiting the selling of bottled water on their premises as a means of promoting a more environmentally friendly campus and encouraging everyone to play a part in sustainability efforts.

Buying and reselling used goods locally

While many student dormitories are equipped with basic furniture, you may consider incorporating additional elements such as a rug, artwork, or even a sofa to create a homier ambiance. It is important to keep in mind three key aspects when doing this in an eco-friendly manner, aligning with the principles of how to be more eco-friendly as a student.

To begin, consider purchasing used goods. This rejuvenates items that still have plenty of useful years ahead. Additionally, whenever feasible, opt for local purchases rather than ordering from distant sources. This not only supports the local economy but also reduces carbon emissions associated with long-distance shipping. Lastly, when you relocate, make an effort to sell or donate any unnecessary possessions. Certain universities even coordinate collections of unwanted items at the end of each academic year, subsequently passing them on to incoming students. These steps are part of a broader approach to living sustainably, which you can learn more about by exploring resources on how to be more eco-friendly as a student.

Embrace a minimalist lifestyle

Living sustainably can be achieved by adopting a minimalist lifestyle, which entails purchasing new items only when they are truly necessary. If you have a strong desire for a new outfit for an event, why not exchange wardrobes with a friend for the occasion? Similarly, instead of constantly ordering takeout when you have a craving for pizza, consider making your own.

Adapting to a minimalist way of life during university can serve as valuable practice for the future, as belongings have a tendency to accumulate as time goes on.

Do not fall for the tempting student deals.

As a student, you often receive many offers for various free items, which is a great advantage. However, it is important to be selective and not accept things just because they are free. Only take what you truly desire and will actually utilize, rather than cluttering your room with items that will eventually be discarded.

Go digital

In the past, there were no other options available apart from using notebooks, textbooks, and folders filled with handouts from professors. Although these materials are still commonly used in universities, there is a clear shift towards utilizing digital means. The devices we have with us every day greatly facilitate this transition.
If it is feasible, utilize technology to minimize the need for paper. Use your computer for note-taking and only print documents when necessary. It is important to frequently backup your digital files. Additionally, you can help promote a sustainable campus by encouraging your peers and staff to embrace digital methods as well.

Get cycling

Operating a vehicle releases harmful substances into the environment, which is a straightforward fact. On the other hand, cycling is considered a highly eco-friendly means of transportation within a community, as it solely relies on the physical effort exerted by the legs. Moreover, opting for cycling can contribute to your physical fitness and overall well-being. Integrating ideas to improve college campus, institutions could encourage cycling by implementing bike-sharing programs, creating safe cycling lanes, offering maintenance workshops, and providing secure bike storage. These initiatives not only promote a healthier, more sustainable mode of transportation but also foster a greener and more active campus community.

Hold off on the heating/air con

A lot of us are too quick to use heating or air conditioning without considering other options. If you feel a little cold, try putting on more clothes. If you’re feeling warm, open some windows. Of course, there are situations where you do need to use heating or air conditioning, but try to use it sparingly. For more tips and strategies on reducing energy consumption and living a greener lifestyle, explore “How can we be more sustainable?”


In conclusion, one of the simplest methods to make sustainability on campus is through extensive recycling. Many campuses offer recycling facilities for various materials such as paper, plastic, electronics, and clothing, so it is important to locate these designated areas. Alternatively, if the campus lacks a comprehensive recycling program, there may be nearby facilities that can be utilized. It is essential to encourage friends to participate in recycling efforts as well. If the university does not already have a well-established recycling initiative, consider taking the initiative to develop one. This action will not only make a significant impact but also enhance your résumé.

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